Ep.84 Putting harmony over balance in your business - with Rachael Phillips
Show notes
Rachael Lou Phillips: I am a dream life and business activation coach. I support boss moms in creating harmony and peace in their lives by embodying the belief that they are truly the foundation of it all. From here the business no longer is breaking them… there is no more survival mode… but instead, the business is an extension of their joy, passion and peace within. I am a mom of 3, of lover of flips flops and sunshine, and believe that life is always handing us opportunities and a breast cancer warrior.
In this episode you will learn:
- How you can train your family to uplevel with you
- How to let go of habits and routines that no longer serve you
- How to create a life you want
- Why Rachael owns her transformation to breast cancer
"I believe that we all get to love what we do. And I love especially the connection that what we do is an extension of us and we get to grow as our businesses grow."
"I really quickly realized that I didn't want, if I was going to be away from my son, I wanted it to be something that lit me up, that brought me joy versus going to something nine to five, feeling like I was totally out of alignment. Cause the children feel it."
"People could connect, people could trust me, people liked me. And so it was really just me. It wasn't that I had these sales tools or I was never like that push sale or anything like that. It was the energy people felt."
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