Ep.70 Daily Alignment - with Lucy Byrd Hope
Show notes
Lucy Byrd Hope is a holistic guide, spiritualist, and entrepreneur who received her BA in Psychology from the University of Texas at Austin. Lucy built onto this foundation by learning cognitive-behavioural, somatic, and existential psychology as well as alternative medicine. She initially became certified in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction at Duke Integrative Medicine. further her education in holistic medicine, Lucy received her Reiki Level I, Level II, and Master certifications. She has also received her first and second-level Shamanic Mastery certifications. As an entrepreneur, Lucy has successfully started multiple businesses. Currently, she operates LucYd Lotus, an energy wellness company, and Wholism, a healthy plant, and fruit-based beverage company focused on bringing nutritional function and awareness to consumers.
Author Lucy Hope has her new book, Daily Alignment: Tools to Balance your Body Mind Spirit (Simon & Schuster) out now! Move from surviving to thriving with these eighty-five coping skills geared to help you build a foundation of healthy physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual habits. From Lucy Byrd Hope—holistic guide, spiritualist, and entrepreneur—comes a compilation of unique strategies to obtaining mind, body, and soul balance. Gathered from personal experience in addition to somatic, cognitive behavioural, and existential studies, Lucy integrates her learned wisdom into an easily accessible format to help you flourish in life. Filled with deep and insightful tools, Lucy gently and consistently guides you to comprehensive well-being. Follow her trail of daily alignment breadcrumbs to a happy you!
In this episode, we discuss:
- Why Lucy wrote her book Daily Alignment
- When and how her entrepreneurial journey started
- The necessity of creating something of your own
"So I never actually set out to write a book. I was just going through a really painful period in my life, and I was waking up every day just feeling awful. And throughout the day, I would find ways to feel better. I would hear a new tip from a friend, read about a new tool in a book, or learn a coping skill from a therapist. And I'd be doing okay by the end of the day."
"At that point, I had felt the power of, of my book, really, because I had been reading it every day. And it had been uplifting me. It was how I was staying Sane it was how I was thriving. It was how I was doing better and so it became such an important part of me and it really is my essence and my I've always had a huge calling and desire to uplift others."
"So I have always been interested in the mind. I studied in psychology and at university of Texas in college. And after that I ventured out and I got in the pet space with my first venture and entrepreneurialism. I had a microchip company for pets. So the technology of finding them when they're lost and returning them back home, and I feel like I always had that entrepreneur vibe in me, that was my first way that it came out that, I mean, it was very organic as well."
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Get her Book Daily Alignment HERE
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