Ep.48 How to put yourself first as a mom - with Alegre Ramos & Natascha Corrigan

Show notes

Alegre Ramos & Natascha Corrigan Planning Mavens helping moms plan and thrive.


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In this episode we discuss:

  • Running a business as a mom
  • Maintaining your boundaries
  • How planning helps you through the day
  • The inspiration behind BYWDreams and how everything started


"Beyond your wildest dreams was really born out of a frustration of mine. So I've always been a planner, lifelong planner, but when my child was about five years old, I was. Unhappy because I felt like I was having a lot of success in some areas of my life, like the financial and the business side, and not as much success in like personal areas like relationship and my personal health."

"We have to support a lot of people. And people would ask me, how do you do this? And, and seem sane? Which, you know, that's I guess a matter of opinion. And I would always say planning. They would kind of look at me like, does planning mean to you what it means to me?"

"Is this my identity? Is this what I want to focus on for the rest of my life? Or do I wanna have another kid? You know, or are there other things that I want to do? And you know, I really had a purposeful, I was like, no, I, you know, I'm happy with one child and there are other things I wanna accomplish in my life and I need to make this shift because it's so easy."

Connect with Alegra & Natascha





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