Ep.20 5 keys to lasting relationships - with Dr. Yael Dubin

Show notes

Dr. Yael Dubin is a former psychiatrist and educator. Now, she’s a dating and relationship coach. Yael uses her decades of expertise to help single women find healthy, lasting love, and helping people who are already in couples deepen their connection. You can learn more about Yael at BechiraCoaching.com or by using any of the links in the show notes.

In this episode, we discuss the following:

  • Dr. Yael's journey from working as a psychiatrist to becoming a dating and relationship coach
  • How improving one relationship can help another relationship
  • 5 keys to lasting relationships
  • Unlearning old patterns we learned about relationships when we were younger


"My mom really put a lot of pressure on me to become a physician, and when I was in medical school, it turned out that I was just really good at psychiatry. People tended to trust me. They would open up and share their stories. But it was never a great fit for a variety of reasons."

"And one of them is that it was really a lot about medicating people, and I really didn't want to just medicate people. I wanted to help."

"There is so much more to it than just do 1, 2, 3, and if three doesn't work, try five, but you gotta be fine. There is a lot more to it. And most of us have to unlearn some things that we learned when we were younger. We have been brainwashed by culture to think particular ways about relationships."

Grab your favourite note-taking device and enjoy listening.

**Resources: **

The fight between David & Patrick Dr. Yael mentioned at the beginning of the episode. Watch the Video.

Connect with Dr. Yael


Mindful Dating Womens Group

FREE PDF 5 Key to Finding lasting Love (Without Losing Yourself in the Process)

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