Ep.12 Your brain is not always on your side - with Ferryn Xenakis

Show notes

In this episode, I have the honour of chatting with Manifestation Expert Ferryn.

She left her home city Tennessee many years ago to explore the globe and live the life she was dreaming about. As a manifestation expert, she is travelling the world and visited 15 countries, currently in Colombia.

Recently I came across a post on LinkedIn about what people would do if they won the lottery. And I found that most comments held desires like living by the sea, travelling the world or living in a different place.

This episode is about the thoughts planted in our brains and holding us back even from thinking about what we want from life.

The truth is that I am travelling the world while I work, and so is Ferryn, and we both didn’t win the lottery. So grab your favourite note-taking device, lean back, and let this episode inspire you.

Ferryn loves building community. Reach out to Ferryn on Instagram or TikTok.

Grab her FREE TAPPING TRAINING, used to quickly process + transform limiting beliefs, negative thoughts, and even unwanted emotions like anger or unwanted feelings like the sensation of anxiety etc.

It's one of Ferryns favourite tools because it’s a key part of my neuroscience manifestation process, which you can use to get whatever you want, fast.

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